Saturday, 22 December 2018

Our Magazine

                        Magazine - Chista
                        As part of our Subject association activity, we the English Optional decided to prepare a magazine - Chista. We all are participate in this magazine. I draw a picture for the magazine with the theme of relationship of a father and his daughter.


Thursday, 15 November 2018

Glass paint

                       MY GLASS PAINT


Saturday, 10 November 2018

Message about life



Tuesday, 6 November 2018



           Idealism is the oldest system of philosophy known to man. Its inception is taken from the very times when man began to think. Idealism refers to any philosophy that argues that reality is somehow dependent upon the mind rather than independent of it. It seeks to offer an explanation of the man and the universe in terms of spirit or mind. In the West, it was born out of the writings and oration of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and other Greek philosophers. In India , it was born out of the holy scripts Vedas, Puranam and Upanishads. 

Monday, 5 November 2018



                             Education is a social process. Sociology is the science of human society. The French thinker Auguste Comte, the father of Sociology, used the term Sociology for the first time in the year 1838. Sociology means the study of society.

     According to Ginsberg sociology is the study of human interaction and inter relation, their conditions and consequences.

Sunday, 4 November 2018

Criticism class

                        My Criticism Class

                        As part our B-Ed curriculum, our Mrs Shini Ma'am selected five students of us to take criticism class. One of the five students is me.
                    I select the lesson 'Learning the game' written by Sachin Tendulkar. 'Learning the game' is an extract from Sachin's autobiography 'Playing it my way'. I use teaching aids for my class.


Activity Card

Friday, 2 November 2018

Philosophy Capacity Building Program

Our Philosophy Capacity Building Program - Fashion show :- "Unity in Diversity"

                      As part our B-Ed curriculum, we, a group of 12 members decided to Fashion show in theme of "Unity in Diversity" as our capacity building program.

Our beloved Mrs Sheeba Ma'am support us very much. She gave us proper instruction. She encourage us to successfully do the program. 

Thursday, 1 November 2018

Keralapiravi Special

Celebration on Keralapiravi in Christ Nagar College of Education

                   We celebrate KeralaPiravi in our college, Christ Nagar College of Education, Thiruvallam.

Christ Nagar Family

English RockerZzzz

Teaching and Non - teaching staffs

With our Mrs Shini Ma'am

With Rev. Fr Sony Sebastian

Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Micro teaching 2


               Micro teaching on the skill of         Reinforcement

               The second skill of mine is Skill of Reinforcement.

Tuesday, 30 October 2018


Microteaching on the skill of Explanation

                  As part of our B-Ed curriculum, our beloved Mrs Shini Ma'am gave all of us two skills for each one of us to teach microteaching. I got the Skill of Explanation and Skill of Reinforcement.
First I select to teach the skill of Explanation

Monday, 29 October 2018

Psychology Capacity Building Program

Our Psychology Capacity Building Program
Theme Dance :- A Prayer for Rain.

                    As part of our B-Ed curriculum, in our capacity building program we decided to perform a theme dance on the theme of 'A Prayer for Rain'.......We 6 of us do our best. Our beloved ma'am Mrs Shoniya support us to do this performance.


Sunday, 21 October 2018



             Pragmatism is a philosophy of human action. The term Pragmatism derived from the Greek word Pragma which means use or action. Pragmatism is a doctrine that evaluates any assertion solely by its practical significance and immediate importance. According to this ideology the test of the truth of an idea is it's practical utility. Pragmatism is also known as experimentalism or consequentialism.

Monday, 8 October 2018

Quotes of Writers

                       1. LEO TOLSTOY









Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Value education

                        VALUE EDUCATION

                                Value education is the process by which people give moral values to others. It can be an activity that can take place in any organization during which people are assisted by others, who may be older, in a condition experienced to make explicit our ethics in order to access the effectiveness of these values and associated behaviour for their own others long term well-being, and to reflect on and acquire other values and behavior which they recognise as being more effective for long term well-being of self and others.

Saturday, 25 August 2018

My Technology seminar:- Webservices like email and chat.


                      Email is the electronic post office of the internet that lets to send messages around the world in an incredibly short period. It is one of the basic and the most popular services of the internet.

Major problems.

◆ Missed signals.
◆ Lack of context.
◆ Unfamiliarity.
◆ Poor or incomplete documentation.
◆ Computer limitations.
◆ Lack of privacy.


◆ Cheap.
◆ Easy to reference.
◆ Fast.
◆ Global.


◆ Emotional responses.
◆ Information overloaded.
◆ Lacks the personal touch.
◆ Misunderstanding.
◆ No respite.


                   Online chat may address as well  point to point communication as well as multicast communications from one sender to many receivers.

Advantages of Internet Chats.

◆ There is no long distance charge for chat.
◆ In chat room users can assume fictious names. This will protect the users by not revealing too much out themselves. It will also help the users not to take others at face value.

Monday, 20 August 2018



●Realism recognises the truth of science.

●Realism is of three types;- Humanistic, Social and Sense realism.

●Aim ;- Prepares man for the realities of life in the present. Development of a sound body and mind. The ultimate aim is eternal happiness with God. Development of science and scientific point of view.

●Curriculum :- Related to life. Life oriented.

●Methods of teaching :- Survey method, project method, experimental method etc.

● Teacher student relationship;- Teacher is a guide, friend and philosopher.

Sunday, 19 August 2018

My Philosophy Seminar;- Life and educational contribution of John Dewey

                      JOHN DEWEY
●Greatest modern time thinker.
●Born on October 20, 1859 in Vermont USA.
●Has greatly influenced practice of education.
●Established first major educational laboratory school in 1896.


●No eternal values.
●Truth is that which works.
●Experience is the core of philosophy.
●Thoughts and actions are complementary.
●Everything is provisional.
●Faith in democracy.
●Relationship between individual and society.

                   AIMS OF EDUCATION

●Creation of values.
●Maximum growth.
●Harmonious development of individual.
●Social efficiency.
●Rich present life.


●Education is the process of growth.
●Education is life and life is education.
●Education leads social efficiency.
●Experience is the basis of his philosophy.


●Principle of flexibility.
●Principle of utility.
●Principle of child's activities.
●Principle of integration.

                METHODS OF TEACHING

●Project method
●Problem solving method.
●Experimental method.
●Direct experience and activity method.


●Given a progressive outlook to education.
●Living and doing itself is education.
●Preparation for life through life experiences.
●Social efficiency.
●Child centered education.
●Core curriculum, integrated curriculum and activity curriculum.
●Democracy in education.
●Experimental school.

My Psychology Seminar;- Physical and Motor Development.


It refers to a process which brings progressive changes in the external as well as internal body organs of an individual in order to increase their capacity to function.

                 Two dimensions

1- Changes in physical structure.;-  Changes in height, weight and general physical appearance.
2- Changes in internal organs;- Changes in the functioning of nervous system, circulatory system, excretory system etc.

Stages of Physical development

●Infancy [birth -2years]
●Pre-childhood [3-6years]
●Middle childhood [7-9years]
●Later childhood [10- 13years]
●Physical growth cease.


●It influences the total make up of an individual.
●To bring an all-round balanced development of the personality of the child.
●It can help the teacher to arrange the school programmes like curricular and co curricular experiences.

                   MOTOR DEVELOPMENT

              It refers to the development of strength,speed and accuracy in the use of muscular parts of the body and co-ordination and control of muscular movements.


●Mass to specific trend.
●Large to small trend.
●Cephalo-Caudal trend.
●Proximo - distal trend
●Bilateral to unilateral trend.
●Maximum to minimum trend.


●It attached to various physical exercises, games and activities that require speed, accuracy, precision and motor co-ordination.
●It is a subservient of mental development.
●It serves as a vehicle for most of the child's social contacts and his learning of ways of co-operating with others.

My Methodology Seminar;- Grammar-translation method.


                    In the teaching of English there have been many improvements. Many methods have been tried to teach it effectively. The oldest method is known as the Grammar-translation method. This method is also known as 'classical method'.


1- Easily understanding.
2- Easiest method.
3- Teachers labour is saved.
4- Time is saved.
5- Increases in the knowledge of content.


1- It is not a natural method, because the skills are neglected.
2- There have no exact equivalents.
3- Complete language learning is not possible.
4- Teacher-centered claas room.
5- No habit formation.
6- Uninteresting classroom, it is bookish classroom.

Saturday, 18 August 2018

Major functions of LMSD


1- Course Content Delivery.
Student Registration and Administration
2- Training Event Management.
3- Curriculum and Certification Management.
4- Skills Gap Analysis.
5- Skills and Competencies Management.
6- Individual Development Plan.
7- Assessing and resulting.
8- Reporting.
9- Training Record Management.
10- Courseware Authoring.
11- Resource Management.
12- Virtual Organization.
13- Performance Management System Integration.

Health hazards of using computer.

Health Hazards of using computer.

1- Musculoskeletal problems.
2- Repetitive stress injury.
3- Vision problems.
4- Headache.
5- Obesity.
6- Stress disorders.

The value of mobile learning.

The following are some of the values of m-learning:-
1- It is important to bring new technology into the classroom
2- Devices used are more lightweight than books and PCs.
3- Mobile learning can be used to diversify the types of learning activities students partake in.
4- Mobile learning supports the learning process rather than being integral to it.
5- Mobile learning can be used as a 'hook' to re-engage disaffected youth.

Wednesday, 8 August 2018


  • Share your  smile with the world. Its a symbol of friendship and peace.
  • Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your path.
  • True friends are never apart may be in distance but never in heart.
  • A faithful friend is the medicine of life.



I believe if a teacher possesses the following characteristics and qualities, he/she become a very good teacher with large fan base too.

  • Friendliness and congeniality....
  •    A  good  personality.......
  • Keep knowledge and a great education.......
  • A good listener.......
  • A good sense of humor......
  • Kindness.....



         Education is the process of living through a continuous reconstruction of experiences.Teaching is a divine and noble profession.It is a two way interaction of teachers and students.It shapes and moulds the character and potential of students.



                 "MY CREATIVITY"


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